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Before coming to us, Dr. Williams had already been In at least two other unfinished doctoral programs.

He knew he wanted to obtain his doctorate, and he knew he wanted to ultimately be finished.

But like others, he felt he needed help. He needed someone to help him navigate the writing process and Dissertation frustrations.

We were able to help Dr. Williams finish his program in under one year, from start to finish. His dissertation is now used as a model for students coming after him.

I knew I wanted to finish my dissertation 

in 10 months. writersER helped me do it - Dr. Williams

Before coming to us Dr. Larry was at a point of heightened frustration. He was not at all confident he would ever finish his dissertation. In his words, he felt he "bit off more  than he can chew"

He knew he had to try something because even still his goal was to finally finish.

So he hired us to help him through his entire dissertation.

After having been in the program for more than 5 years, we were able to help Dr. Larry finish his dissertation in less than one year.

Before starting with writersER I felt like 

I had bit off more than I could chew - Dr. Larry

Before coming to us Dr. Erica had been in her program for about 5 years. She could not seem to break past the barriers of endless revisions and lack of support.

She knew she couldn't take too many more years of completion so she decided to do something different.

That's when she called on us to coach her towards the completion of her proposal through completion.

We were able to help Dr. Erica finish her dissertation in less than 1 year of starting with us.

WritersER was a godsend! I would not and could not have completed this journey without writersER! - Dr. Erica

When we met Dr. Hunter, she was appealing a decision to be removed from her program. If certain changes and updates were not made quickly all of her years of hard work would have been for nothing.

So her goal was obviously to get the changes completed quickly so she could remain in the program and graduate.

So she hired us to help her through her process toward completion.

After about a year of back and forth with the institution, Dr. Hunter was approved to graduate.

Success Story of Dr. Hunter

Dr. M came to us for help at the very beginning of her journey.

Lacking clear direction she entrusted us with helping her with topic development through completion.

So she hired us to help her through her process toward completion.

Dr. M completed and defended her dissertation within a year of starting with us.

I found this service exceptional. Do not trust your cornerstone work to anyone other than this team of seasoned experts. - Dr. M.

JS had been in his program 5 years prior to coming to us for help.

For years he found himself stuck and riddled with a lack of support and inadequate feedback from his committee.

Within weeks we were able to get JS back on track with an approval-ready draft for the committee.

Six months later JS was able to submit for and gain approval from his committee.

If I did not get the help of writersER I would not be on the verge of graduation. I would highly recommend writersER. - JS

Dr. G had been in her program for nearly two years prior to working with us.

She came to us frustrated from a lack of support, lack of guidance, and trouble narrowing her topic.

We provided her with a coach who worked with her to narrow her topic, and with the support of our team of writers and editors, we helped her complete her final two chapters consisting of data analysis, synthesis, and writing support.

And in less than three months of working with us she was approved to graduate.

Great program! Worth every penny! - Dr. G

Syann had been in her program for nearly three years prior to working with us.

She came to us ready to give up from a lack of support and guidance. She would often go four weeks without hearing anything and sometimes going months without writing.

She tried another dissertation coach prior to us but said the coaching was not effective. That's when she came to us. And in less than two weeks her proposal was completed.

One week later her chair informed her she was ready for defense after minor revisions. We helped her do in three weeks what she had not been able to do for three years.

I have only been working with writersER for five weeks....If it were not for (them) I would not be defending my proposal in two weeks. - Syann

As You Can See...WritersER Has Already Helped Thousands of Doctoral Learners Around The Country...

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